Module capsules::ieee802154::mac [] [src]

Specifies the interface for IEEE 802.15.4 MAC protocol layers. MAC protocols expose similar configuration (address, PAN, transmission power) options as ieee802154::device::MacDevice layers above it, but retain control over radio power management and channel selection. All frame processing should be completed above this layer such that Mac implementations receive fully formatted 802.15.4 MAC frames for transmission.

AwakeMac provides a default implementation of such a layer, maintaining the underlying kernel::hil::radio::Radio powered at all times and passing through each frame for transmission.


use core::cell::Cell;
use kernel::ReturnCode;
use kernel::hil::radio;
use net::ieee802154::Header;
use net::ieee802154::MacAddress;



Default implementation of a Mac layer. Acts as a pass-through between a MacDevice implementation and the underlying radio::Radio device. Does not change the power state of the radio during operation.

