Module capsules::si7021
Driver for the Silicon Labs SI7021 temperature/humidity sensor.
The Si7006/13/20/21/34 devices are Silicon Labs’ latest generation I2C relative humidity and temperature sensors. All members of this device family combine fully factory-calibrated humidity and temperature sensor elements with an analog to digital converter, signal processing and an I2C host interface. Patented use of industry-standard low-K polymer dielectrics provides excellent accuracy and long term stability, along with low drift and low hysteresis. The innovative CMOS design also offers the lowest power consumption in the industry for a relative humidity and temperature sensor. The Si7013/20/21/34 devices are designed for high- accuracy applications, while the Si7006 is targeted toward lower-accuracy applications that traditionally have used discrete RH/T sensors.
let si7021_i2c = static_init!( capsules::virtual_i2c::I2CDevice, capsules::virtual_i2c::I2CDevice::new(i2c_bus, 0x40)); let si7021_virtual_alarm = static_init!( VirtualMuxAlarm<'static, sam4l::ast::Ast>, VirtualMuxAlarm::new(mux_alarm)); let si7021 = static_init!( capsules::si7021::SI7021<'static, VirtualMuxAlarm<'static, sam4l::ast::Ast>>, capsules::si7021::SI7021::new(si7021_i2c, si7021_virtual_alarm, &mut capsules::si7021::BUFFER)); si7021_i2c.set_client(si7021); si7021_virtual_alarm.set_client(si7021);
use core::cell::Cell; |
use kernel; |
use kernel::ReturnCode; |
use kernel::common::take_cell::TakeCell; |
use kernel::hil::i2c; |
use kernel::hil::time; |
use kernel::hil::time::Frequency; |
SI7021 |
OnDeck | |
Registers | |
State |
States of the I2C protocol with the LPS331AP. |