Struct capsules::virtual_spi::VirtualSpiMasterDevice [] [src]

pub struct VirtualSpiMasterDevice<'a, Spi: SpiMaster + 'a> {
    mux: &'a MuxSpiMaster<'a, Spi>,
    chip_select: Cell<Spi::ChipSelect>,
    txbuffer: TakeCell<'static, [u8]>,
    rxbuffer: TakeCell<'static, [u8]>,
    operation: Cell<Op>,
    next: ListLink<'a, VirtualSpiMasterDevice<'a, Spi>>,
    client: Cell<Option<&'a SpiMasterClient>>,



impl<'a, Spi: SpiMaster> VirtualSpiMasterDevice<'a, Spi>



Trait Implementations

impl<'a, Spi: SpiMaster> SpiMasterClient for VirtualSpiMasterDevice<'a, Spi>


Called when a read/write operation finishes

impl<'a, Spi: SpiMaster> ListNode<'a, VirtualSpiMasterDevice<'a, Spi>> for VirtualSpiMasterDevice<'a, Spi>


impl<'a, Spi: SpiMaster> SpiMasterDevice for VirtualSpiMasterDevice<'a, Spi>


Setup the SPI settings and speed of the bus.


Perform an asynchronous read/write operation, whose completion is signaled by invoking SpiMasterClient.read_write_done on the provided client. write_buffer must be Some, read_buffer may be None. If read_buffer is Some, the length of the operation is the minimum of the size of the two buffers. Read more





