Enum capsules::net::thread::tlv::PrefixSubTlv [] [src]

pub enum PrefixSubTlv<'a> {
    HasRoute(&'a [u8]),
    BorderRouter(&'a [u8]),
    SixLoWpanId {
        context_id_compress: bool,
        context_id: u8,
        context_length: u8,

These TLVs are contained within the value of a Prefix TLV.


Fields of SixLoWpanId


impl<'a> PrefixSubTlv<'a>


Serializes TLV data in buf into the format specific to the Prefix sub-TLV type.



Deserializes TLV data from buf into the Prefix sub-TLV variant specific to the TLV type. Returns PrefixSubTlv and true if the data stable, false otherwise. SResult::Error is returned if the type field does not match any implemented TLV type.

Trait Implementations

impl<'a, 'b> From<&'a PrefixSubTlv<'b>> for PrefixSubTlvType


Performs the conversion.