Struct capsules::sdcard::SDCard [] [src]

pub struct SDCard<'a, A: Alarm + 'a> {
    spi: &'a SpiMasterDevice,
    state: Cell<SpiState>,
    after_state: Cell<SpiState>,
    alarm: &'a A,
    alarm_state: Cell<AlarmState>,
    alarm_count: Cell<u8>,
    is_initialized: Cell<bool>,
    card_type: Cell<SDCardType>,
    detect_pin: Cell<Option<&'static Pin>>,
    txbuffer: TakeCell<'static, [u8]>,
    rxbuffer: TakeCell<'static, [u8]>,
    client: Cell<Option<&'static SDCardClient>>,
    client_buffer: TakeCell<'static, [u8]>,
    client_offset: Cell<usize>,

SD Card capsule, capable of being built on top of by other kernel capsules



impl<'a, A: Alarm + 'a> SDCard<'a, A>

Functions for initializing and accessing an SD card


Create a new SD card interface

spi - virtualized SPI to use for communication with SD card alarm - virtualized Timer with a granularity of at least 1 ms detect_pin - active low GPIO pin used to detect if an SD card is installed txbuffer - buffer for holding SPI write data, at least 515 bytes in length rxbuffer - buffer for holding SPI read data, at least 515 bytes in length




send a command over SPI and collect the response Handles encoding of command, checksum, and padding bytes. The response still needs to be parsed out of the read_buffer when complete


wrapper for easy reading of bytes over SPI


wrapper for easy writing of bytes over SPI


parse response bytes from SPI read buffer Unfortunately there is a variable amount of delay in SD card responses, so these bytes must be searched for


updates SD card state on SPI transaction returns


updates SD card state upon timer alarm fired





watches SD card detect pin for changes, sends callback on change




Trait Implementations

impl<'a, A: Alarm + 'a> SpiMasterClient for SDCard<'a, A>

Handle callbacks from the SPI peripheral


Called when a read/write operation finishes

impl<'a, A: Alarm + 'a> Client for SDCard<'a, A>

Handle callbacks from the timer


Callback signaled when the alarm's clock reaches the value set in Alarm#set_alarm. Read more

impl<'a, A: Alarm + 'a> Client for SDCard<'a, A>

Handle callbacks from the card detection pin


Called when an interrupt occurs. The identifier will be the same value that was passed to enable_interrupt() when the interrupt was configured. Read more